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 About The Chambers Family  


Photo of Dale Richard Craig and Bernard being presented with their trophies at the National Flying Club Presentation in 2014

The Chambers Family was officially formed in 2011 when the two partnerships of R & C Chambers and Massey and Chambers amalgermated to form the single racing loft of D,B,R&C Chambers. Collectively the members of this partnership have won 4x 1st National, 7 x 1st section (MNFC, NFC, & BBC) ,The Midlands National Diploma of Distinction, a brand new motor vehicle, 7 Racing timing devices ( T3 + ETS), a new J Tranter Pigeon Loft, multiple 1st club and Federations cumulating in 15 RPRA Awards at both Regional and National Level. 

The partnership now focus almost exclusively upon National Racing with a heavy emphasis on the extreme long distance events with there long distance Dutch Family of race pigeons.

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